What is myON?
Expand the world of literacy for every student with unlimited, 24/7 access to thousands of high-quality, high-interest digital books with built-in scaffolds to support readers at every level.
How it works
Garland ISD and Renaissance have partnered with the cities of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse, with the goal of creating a community of readers. Enjoy a digital library with thousands of titles students can read at home, at school, at your local library, community centers, or even on a bus. The digital library includes recommended booklists, which match students’ interests and reading levels. Tools such as audio, text highlighting, zoom, and an embedded dictionary all help families read together even if there is not a proficient adult reader in the household.
You can read myON on web-enabled devices such as tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
Every community member can register for a FREE account by clicking on the Register button.
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